Free online career development tools
The Engine - a home for Tough Tech Founders
Launched in 2016, The Engine is a Cambridge, MA based independent venture capital firm that invests in early stage Tough Tech companies in the Boston area. In addition, they empower founders and leaders in the Tough Tech ecosystem by giving them access to expertise and community, as well as the specialized labs, tools, equipment and space they need to thrive. The aim of this talk is provide more details on The Engine's unique venture model, highlight the current portfolio companies and engage with the Boston Postdoctoral community.
Geraldine is an Associate at The Engine, an independent venture fund in Cambridge MA, launched by MIT in 2016, where she invests in and mentors early-stage Tough Tech companies in the Boston area. She brings over a decade of academic experience, with a strong focus on translational and cross-disciplinary research in chemical engineering and biology. She earned a PhD with Dr. Michael Strano at MIT for her work on photovoltaics, nano-electronics, and biosensors using graphene and carbon nanotubes. As a postdoctoral researcher, she worked in the lab of Dr. Ramnik Xavier at MGH and The Broad Institute, applying CRISPR technology to autophagy and immunology, towards the development of therapeutics. Geraldine has interned at the Partners Innovation Fund and consulted for an early stage Flagship Pioneering-backed company. She holds BS and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from the KU Leuven (Belgium) and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from MIT.
Wielding Mendeley like a pro and other online tools from Elsevier
During this workshop I’ll be discussing all the free services Elsevier provides to improve your research visibility and career advancement. Most of this presentation will be spent in Mendeley Reference Manager which contains funding opportunities from all major international funding bodies, the single largest listings of academic and industrial positions, dataset management, and scholarly profile tracking-which includes your publications, citations, and media mentions. Additionally, we’ll discuss free Scopus API’s that can be used to populate your personal website or for more thorough research intelligence applications.
Giacomo joined Elsevier in February 2017 as a Customer Consultant in the Northeast MidAtlantic supporting ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Mendeley. He received his PhD in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology from New York University and has extensive research experience having held positions as a Scientist and Research Associate at Johnson & Johnson and Mt. Sinai Innovative Partners. While passionate about analytics and bibliometrics, you may also find him reading the sports section of or tracking MLB player statistics on Go Mets!
Octopus: the future of scientific publishing
Alexandra Freeman
Director of the Winton Center
After doing a degree and doctorate in biology at the University of Oxford, studying with Prof Richard Dawkins, Alex embarked on a career in science communication. She spent 17 years at the BBC, working on series such as Walking with Beasts, Life in the Undergrowth, Bang Goes the Theory, Climate Change by Numbers and, most recently, was the series producer of Trust Me, I’m a Doctor. Her work has won a number of awards, from a BAFTA to a AAAS Kavli gold award for science journalism. In addition to developing and making television series, Alex has worked with associated content across a whole range of other media – designing websites, games, formal learning resources and social media content – to bring science to the widest possible audience. Now back in academia, she leads the Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication, an inter-disciplinary team working on research and translation in practice. Alex has a particular interest in helping professionals such as doctors, journalists or legal professionals communicate numbers and uncertainty better, and is an advocate of Open Research practices. Outside of her work at the Winton Centre she has developed the concept of Octopus, a new platform designed to replace the current scientific publishing system of papers and journals and encourage good research practices.