1 | Abigail Koss, PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Comprehensive characterization of oxidation of organic compounds in the atmosphere

2 | Annan Yang, PhD | Dana Farber Cancer Institute

Targeting autophagy as a therapeutic approach for pancreatic adenocarcinoma

3 ! Arijit Bose, PhD ! Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Direct Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion: Analysis of the Implosion Core

4 | Bruno Manta, PhD | Brigham and Womens Hospital

Regulation of MICALs activity by unique long range interactions between domains

5 | Camila Lopes-Ramos, PhD | Dana Farber Cancer Institute

Using gene regulatory networks to identify sex differences in colon cancer

6 | Chitraleema Chakraborty, PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Flatland Nanophotonics: A study of 3D confined excitons in 2D materials

7 | Dominika Lyzwa, PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Encoding of natural and artificial stimuli in the auditory midbrain

8 | Elena Koganov, PhD | Boston Childrens Hospital

GLS-409, an Inhibitor of Both P2Y1 and P2Y12: Minimum Effective Dose in a Canine Thrombosis Model and Reversibility of Human Platelet Inhibition

9 | Erik Taylor, PhD | Boston university

Manifold learning in deep neural networks for reconstruction of aortic structure in a rabbit model of athero-thrombosis

10 | Hengyu Lu, PhD | Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research

Overcoming RTK feedback activation in KRAS mutant tumors treated with MEK inhibitors by combination with SHP2 inhibitors

11 | Hilla Brot, PhD | Boston Childrens Hospital

Rainbow: A highly sensitive algorithm for identification of novel transcribed regions from short-read RNA-seq data

12 | Ian Mahar, PhD | Boston University

CD8-expressing cell density is stage-specifically increased in chronic traumatic encephalopathy and comorbid Alzheimer’s disease

13 | Kanoelani Pilobello, PhD | McLean Hospital

Diverse structures of the human olfactory bulb glomeruli and their formation by 6-sulfated chondroitin associated axons

14 | Khanh Ha, PhD | Mass General Hospital

Novel near infrared fluorescence agent for the in vivo detection of activated platelets

15 | Mao Taketani, PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bile Acid Controlled Genetic Circuit Design in the Human Gut Symbiont Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron

16 | Matthias Lambert, PhD | Boston Childrens Hospital

Modulation of genetic modifiers in dystrophin-deficient zebrafish as a means of future therapeutics

17 | Md Nurunnabi, PhD | Massachusetts General Hospital

Oral Nanomedicine - Formulation and Delivery of Large Molecules

18 | Mihir Metkar | Umass Medical School

Higher-Order Organization Principles of Pre-translational mRNPs

19 | Naghmeh Momeni, PhD | MIT Sloan School of Management

Conjoining Uncooperative Societies to Promote Evolution of Cooperation

20 | Nitasha Bennett, PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Injectable silk micro implants for localized immune modulation of the breast tumor microenvironment

21 | Padma Nanaware, PhD | University of Massachusetts Medical School

HLA-DO/H2-O modulates the diversity of the MHC Class II self peptide repertoire

22 | Pau Creixell, PhD | Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT

Hierarchical organization endows the kinase domain with regulatory plasticity

23 | Polina Geva, PhD | Boston University

Bicarbonate modulation of guanylate-cyclase ROS-GC in retinal rods and cones

24 | Satoru Horiya, PhD | Brandeis University

mRNA display selection of glycopeptides that bind to broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies for vaccine design

25 | Seyed Mehran Dibaji, PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Resilient Control of Wide-Area Power Systems: Confidentiality and Integrity Threats

26 | Shanadeen Begay, PhD | Northeastern University

Role of Conformational Dynamics in Catalysis for Q388A Variant of Human Phosphoglucose Isomerase

27 | Sweta Mishra, PhD | MGH Cancer Center

Cross-talk Between Lysine Modifying Enzymes Controls Site-specific DNA Amplifications

28 | Tingyu Liu, PhD | Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research

Understanding immuno-microenvironment of juvenile recurrent respiratory papilloma: emerging role of Tregs and B cells

29 | Wanting Niu, PhD | VA Boston Healthcare System, Brigham and Women's Hospital |

Effects of Extracorporeal Shock Waves on Bone Marrow Stimulation

30 | Wenchao Xu, PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Repulsive Photon-Photon Interactions mediated by Rydberg atoms

31 | Yulia Rybakova, PhD | The David H Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT

Optimization of mRNA construct for human IgG1 delivery in vivo